Luau Luau (lowercase u, /ˈlu.aʊ/) is a fast, small, safe, gradually typed embeddable scripting language derived from Lua. Learn More Around 2006, Roblox started using Lua 5.1 as a scripting language for games. Over the years we ended up substantially evolving the implementation and the language; …
ローカライズと(ローカライズについて話す時の)言語の壁 / Localization and the language barrier… on talking about localization
Transcript ϩʔΧϥΠζͱ ϩʔΧϥΠζʹ͍ͭͯ࣌͢ͷ ݴޠͷน 2021/10/27 – KENJI IGUCHI KENJI IGUCHI – TWITTER: @NEEDLE ࣗݾհ •Ҫޱ�݈࣏ Twitter: @needle ϑϦʔϥϯεVRίϯαϧςΟϯάɾΤϯδχΞϦϯά ݩ OculusຊνʔϜ (2014-2018) • ओʹOculus Quest͚ϦϦʔεͷ͓ख͍ͳͲɻ VRΞυόΠεɺަবɺӳޠνΣοΫɾ༁ɾࣥචɺίʔυ࣮ɺetc, etc. • ϗʔϜελʔVRɺ౦ژΫϩϊεɺVARKɺͱ߳ਏྉVRɺϦτϧΟονΞΧσϛΞVRɺALTDEUS: Bey…
Coining xenophobia.
“Only by remembering xenophobia’s first instantiation do we bring these broader battles into focus.” Uncovering the origins of a word: stenography, kooky linguistic debates, Romanian ultra-nationalism, the Boxer rebellion, and the stranger-as-enemy rel…
Arakanese (ရခိုင်ဘာသာ), also known as Rakhine, a Burmese language
Omniglot, a continuously updated online encyclopedia of languages that’s even older than Metafilter (and a fave on the blue). Yet to be featured here is the weekly language quiz. Do you know or can you guess the language, and do you know where it’s spo…
Sarah Everard’s murder puts policing and misogyny under the spotlight | Letters
David Taylor, who was a police officer for 30 years, offers an insight into the handling of ‘minor’ crimes, while Ann Kelly and Caroline Ley reflect on the language used by ministers and the media Having been a police officer for 30 years, serving as a…
Dear English Language
You need to pick a frickin’ lane with the sounds you’re making (SLYT)
Ever-changing dialects keep English moving – but grammar is its north star | Simon Jenkins
Protesting that ‘bad’ grammar should not hold someone back will not stop it from doing so. Accuracy is in everyone’s interestI say tomahto and you say tomayto. My wife says dahrling and I say my dear. We all speak differently, and some of us speak diff…
“They say, what they like; let them say it, I don’t care…”
Guardian: “Academic finds that lines widely reproduced in the eastern Roman empire are ‘stressed’ in a way that laid the foundations for what we recognise as poetry.” The full text paper in The Cambridge Classical Journal,
Forgetting my First Language
No one prepared me for the heartbreak of losing my first language. It doesn’t feel like the sudden, sharp pain of losing someone you love, but rather a dull ache that builds slowly until it becomes a part of you. My first language, Cantonese, is the on…