South Korean internet service provider SK Broadband, a subsidiary of South Korean telco company SK Telecom, has filed a counterclaim against Netflix to demand payment for the bandwidth the streaming platform has used for the last three years. This case comes in the wake of the South Korean court siding against Netflix in June in […]
UK class action-style suit filed over DeepMind NHS health data scandal
A U.K. law firm is bringing a class-action style claim over a patient health data scandal that dates back to 2015 and involves the Google-owned AI company DeepMind, after it was quietly passed medical information on more than a million patients by an NHS Trust as part of an app development project. Law firm Mishcon […]
Ex-Fox host claims Facebook defamed him by fact-checking climate change videos
Former Fox Business host says his ad revenue has taken a hit.
Facebook paid FTC $4.9B more than required to shield Zuckerberg, lawsuit alleges
Shareholders say the overpayment was an “express quid pro quo.”
セラノス創業者エリザベス・ホームズの裁判はどうなる? シリコンヴァレーが先行きに注目する理由
SEC probing Activision Blizzard in wake of harassment, discrimination lawsuits
CEO Bobby Kotick and other execs subpoenaed, personnel files requested.
人気ゲーム「フォートナイト」の開発元であるエピックゲームズが、アプリ配信の手数料に関連してアップルを反トラスト法(独占禁止法)違反で訴えた裁判で、このほど一審の判決が下った。注目すべきは「App Store」においてアップル以外の決済手段を利用できるようにすべきという判断で、これにより壁に囲まれたアップルの“庭園”にまたひとつ亀裂が入ったことになる。
Tesla should say something
Last weekend, a reader wrote to this editor, politely asking why tech companies should speak up about the abortion law that Texas passed last week. “What does American Airlines have to do with abortion?” said the reader, suggesting that companies can’t possibly cater to both pro-abortion and anti-abortion advocates and that asking them to take […]
Uber Eats, Grubhub, DoorDash sue NYC for limiting fees the apps can charge restaurants
Food ordering and delivery platforms DoorDash, Caviar, Grubhub, Seamless, Postmates and Uber Eats have banded together to sue the City of New York over a law that would permanently limit the amount of commissions the apps can charge restaurants to use their services. The Wall Street Journal first reported the news that the companies filed […]
Massachussetts AG greenlights Uber, Lyft-backed gig worker ballot initiative
Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey gave a coalition of app-based service providers like Uber and Lyft the go-ahead to start collecting signatures needed to put a proposed ballot measure before voters that would define drivers as independent contractors rather than employees. Backers of the initiative, which is essentially a MA version of Proposition 22, would […]