The Japanese Internet Reacts To Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop Cancellation

As previously reported, Netflix is cancelling the live-action Cowboy Bebop series after one season. You might know what you think of the show, but here’s what viewers in Japan thought of it—and the ensuing cancellation. Read more…

Netflix launches a website dedicated to news about renewals, exclusive interviews and more

Netflix has launched a new website called “Tudum,” which will host consumer news about renewals, release dates and extra content featuring its TV shows and movies. The company is marketing the website as “a place to discover more about your Netflix favorites.” For a more curated experience, users can log into the website with their […]

超夢幻製作組合!Netflix 獨家動畫《泡泡》前導預告

Netflix 公開了即將於明年 4 月 28 日播出的獨家動畫作品《泡泡》的前導預告,值得一提的是這部動畫集結了許多業界首屈一指的創作者,包括《進擊的巨人》的導演荒木哲郎、作曲家澤野弘之、《魔法少女小圓》編劇虛淵玄、《死亡筆記本》人物設計小畑健,並由《進擊的巨人》動畫製作組 WIT Studio 負責製作,可說是超夢幻的製作組合。 《泡泡》的故事描述著世界各地降下一陣泡泡雨,地心引力定律就此瓦解。東京與外界徹底隔絕,成了一群年輕孤兒的遊樂場。大夥在此成群結隊,穿梭跳躍各個建築,上演跑酷大戰。 以危…

Attack on Titan Director’s Netflix Anime Looks Like A Post-Apocalyptic Mirror’s Edge

Tokyo flooded by a rain of gravity-defying bubbles and isolated from the rest of the world becomes a playground for lost children doing battle in team-based parkour competition. It sounds like a game. Instead, it’s a new original anime movie called Bub…

Destiny 2 Gets Halo Guns For Bungie’s 30th Anniversary

Worlds sometimes collide in the most expected ways. Destiny, a series of first-person shooters developed by Bungie and first released in 2014, is getting a slew of weapons from Halo, a series of first-person shooters developed by Bungie and first relea…

MrBeast’s ‘Real Life Squid Game’ and the price of viral stunts

First, everyone was talking about “Squid Game,” the Korean psychological thriller that became Netflix’s biggest series launch ever, with 142 million viewers. Now, everyone’s talking about YouTuber MrBeast’s recreation of the show’s titular fight-to-the-death, which racked up 142 million views in eight days. (Don’t worry, no one was killed). Jimmy Donaldson (MrBeast), the 23-year-old who […]