Netflix《ONE PIECE》真人版 主角群演員陣容公開

Netflix 近期除了將經典的動畫作品《星際牛仔》改編成真人影集之外,先前也宣布將會為另一部知名的動漫作品《ONE PIECE》推出真人影集,今日官方則是透過 Twitter 公開了主角群魯夫、索隆、娜美、騙人布以及香吉士的演員。 本劇的主角魯夫將會由墨西哥演員 Iñaki Godoy 飾演;新田真劍佑飾演索隆、Emily Rudd 飾演娜美、Jacob Gibson 飾演騙人布,以及 Taz Skylar 飾演香吉士。 而在公布選角後,尾田榮一郎也立即發表聲明,表示此次選角的結果是根據與世界各地…

Netflix Continues Big Anime Push With A Dozen Exciting New Shows and Films

Today, Netflix continues its heavy investment into the anime industry by announcing a ton of shows, including some very high profile sequels. In addition to animated productions, they’ve also announced live-action adaptations of several anime, original…

機動戦士ガンダム:実写映画版 コンセプトアート公開 – MANTANWEB(まんたんウェブ)

人気アニメ「機動戦士ガンダム」の実写映画版のコンセプトアートが公開された。ガンダムと思われるシルエットが描かれている。 実写版は、映画「キングコング:髑髏島の巨神」のジョーダン・ヴォート=ロバーツさんが監督を務め、サンライズと映画「パシフィック・リム:アップライジング」などのレジェンダリーが共同で…

Disney+ is launching a special IMAX format for 13 Marvel movies

Disney+ is bringing IMAX’s Expanded Aspect Ratio across 13 Marvel movies on its platform on November 12. The new format means that viewers will see smaller black bars in certain scenes. The company says IMAX’s Expanded Aspect Ratio is 1:90:1 and offers up to 26% more picture for select sequences. It’s also closer to the […]

Nintendo To Continue To Improving Switch Online Following Backlash

Nintendo doubled-down on its commitment to its paid Switch Online subscription service in its latest corporate strategy briefing with investors. Despite complaints over the quality and price of its newly added Expansion Pack tier, the company said it w…

Netflix Devil May Cry Producer Assures World Chris Pratt Isn’t Dante

Adi Shankar, producer on Netflix’s excellent Castlevania series, sat down with IGN Japan to discuss one of his next projects, an animated adaptation of Capcom’s action-heavy Devil May Cry franchise. Sadly, it doesn’t seem like there’s any room for Chri…