16 Things Every New PS5 Owner Should Try Or Consider

So, you got your hands on a PlayStation 5. Congrats! You’re officially in the next generation of console gaming, a member of an exclusive club allowed to play games about malicious space tentacle monsters and whatever the hell a lombax is. The PS5 migh…

The Unique Artist Behind Bomberman’s Catchy Beats

I’ve always had a thing for June Chikuma’s music, though it took me a while to realize it. Even today, I often find myself humming the “mantra” track from Faxanadu, the difficult, side-scrolling action-RPG for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Faxanad…

Renata Price’s Top Ten Games Of 2021

2021 has been a tremendously odd year. It has also been my first year with a real job as a games writer. This means that I have a lot of pent-up feelings from the past several years about video games that I love, many of which are embodied by this very…

「OMORI」の日本語版が突然配信開始! ひきこもりの少年が奇妙な精神世界を冒険する“圧倒的”高評価のインディーRPG

インディーゲームスタジオのOMOCATは12月16日、Steamで配信中のホラーRPG「OMORI」(公式サイト)の日本語版を、同日より配信開始しました。価格は1980円。 同作は2014年より開発を開始し、2020年にリリースされたドット絵ベースのRPG。「MOTHER」や「ゆめにっき」を思わせる温かくも不穏なドット絵と、鉛筆画タッチの手…