『ドラクエ』と『FF』は5割超が「好き」と回答、国内向けRPGの人気調査データが公開。ともに40代以上がファンの過半数を占め『ポケモン』は若年層に支持 | 電ファミニコゲーマー – ゲームの面白い記事読んでみない?

『ドラクエ』と『FF』は5割超が「好き」と回答、国内向けRPGの人気調査データが公開。ともに40代以上がファンの過半数を占め『ポケモン』は若年層に支持 ゲームエイジ総研は11月25日(木)、日本国内の「RPG人気」に関する調査データを発表した。ゲームプレイ経験を持つ10代から50代の男女約3000名を対象に行われたリサ…



Harry Potter RPG ‘Accidentally’ Added Popular Hentai Porn Expression

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, a card-based RPG for mobile devices and PC that’s only available in Eastern countries for now, is really popular in China. However, the game is currently attracting attention not for its incredibly successful launch, but f…

What Phil Spencer Can’t Tell You About Elder Scrolls VI Exclusivity

When the hotly-anticipated open world sci-fi RPG Starfield comes out next year it won’t be coming to PS4 or PS5. That’s a fact that seemed obvious the second Microsoft announced it was buying publisher Bethesda over a year ago in a groundbreaking $7.5 …

Four Hours With Dying Light 2: Beyond An Open-World Zombie Game

Dying Light 2 was announced all the way back at E3 2018. A lot has happened in the three years since, including multiple delays and the departure of RPG writer/designer Chris Avellone from the project following sexual harassment allegations. Now set to…

『ダンジョンエンカウンターズ』レビュー。スクエニが贈る、骨と皮だけの、信頼と裏切りの、破壊と自由のひとでなしRPG – AUTOMATON


The Best Video Games Of 2021 So Far

Let’s get this out of the way: Given all the ~everything~, simply releasing a game in 2021 is nothing short of a miracle. Every single one deserves a round of applause. But some, let’s face it, are better than others. As summer wraps, we thought it’d b…