In May, Ubisoft took down some DRM servers that accidentally broke Might & Magic X – Legacy, to the point where the game had to be removed from shopfronts. A few months later, and probably after some folks had long assumed the game was simply dead,…
Epic Games Store Will ‘Welcome’ NFT Games After Steam Bans Them
Epic Games and its CEO Tim Sweeney are open to letting games that use blockchain technology and NFTs onto its PC store, even as NFTs continue to be criticized for being a giant, planet-burning scam filled with grifters. This follows Valve’s decision to…
【10月14日発売!!】「鬼滅の刃 ヒノカミ血風譚」を予約、購入する方法 – ショップ・店舗別特典一覧、比較
鬼滅の刃の家庭用ゲーム『鬼滅の刃 ヒノカミ血風譚』が2021年10月14日(木)発売!価格は8,360円(税込)です。
Under the Deck
Taking a Look Inside the Steam Deck Valve gets in front of the DIY folks with a short tutorial on replacing components in the Steam Deck.
マルウェア「BloodyStealer」ウイルスと、ダークWebで取引されるゲームアカウント | カスペルスキー公式ブログ
Valve issues scathing reply over the facts behind a Steam antitrust case
Valve says it has “no obligation” to let devs “undercut” Steam using free keys.
Valve promises Steam Deck will run “the entire Steam library” at 30+ fps
Custom APU can run recent games acceptably at the device’s native 800p resolution.
Steamのデスクトップショートカットの問題点 macOSでSteamのゲームを遊ぶ時のちょっとした不具合の話です。 Steamはゲームをインストールする時に、ショートカットがデスクトップに作られます。 ショートカットと […]…