Pat Simmons and Paul Williams on the pleasures of swimming in rivers, lakes and seas in harmony with natureWild swimming “the latest fashionable activity” (Letters, 26 July)? Hardly. Seventy years ago I learned to swim in the River Wey, in the company …
Genetic engineering test with mosquitoes ‘may be game changer’ in eliminating malaria
UK scientist says gene-drive study rendering female insects infertile may lead to ‘self destruct mosquito’ field tests within 10 yearsScientists have successfully wiped out a population of malaria-transmitting mosquitoes by using a radical form of gene…
Sexy secret life of basking sharks uncovered in Hebrides
Scientists record fin-to-fin contact in gentle giants, most likely part of courtship, for first timeFin-to-fin synchronised swimming, thought likely to be part of courtship, has been seen in groups of basking sharks for the first time. Video cameras at…
Pandemic gives respite to Greek island sea turtles – but returning tourists could wreck it
With a new study suggesting endangered loggerhead turtles reclaimed empty shores to breed during Covid, conservationists fear the return of mass tourismNikoletta Sidiropoulou and her colleagues in the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece (Archelon) …