Automated Hiring Software is Mistakenly Rejecting Millions of Viable Job Candidates
Automated resume-scanning software is contributing to a “broken” hiring system in the US, says a new report from Harvard Business School. Such software is used by employers to filter job applicants, but is mistakenly rejecting millions of viable candid…
Just How Computationally Complex Is a Single Brain Neuron?
Long-time Slashdot reader Artem S. Tashkinov quotes Quanta magazine:
Today, the most powerful artificial intelligence systems employ a type of machine learning called deep learning. Their algorithms learn by processing massive amounts of data through h…
ソニーCSL開発のAI作曲支援プラグイン、Flow Machines Professionalが抽選で入手できる!?応募期間は9月3日(金)まで
以前「実用レベルのAI作曲支援プラグインFlow Machines Professionalは、夢のツールになりえるのか!?Cubase上で実験される最先端技術」という記事で紹介したことのある、Flow Machines…
The post ソニーCSL開発のAI作曲支援プラグイン、Flow Machines Professionalが抽選で入手できる!?応募期間は9月3日(金)まで first appeared on 藤本健の “DTMステーション”….
AIによって文章の要約文を生成する「ELYZA DIGEST」。デモサイト公開
AIベンチャー「ELYZA」が、文章の要約文を生成するAI「ELYZA DIGEST」を試せるデモサイトを公開中だ。このサイトではAIが人間に匹敵する正確さで記事を要約してくれるもの。デモサイトでは文章のコピーもしくはWebサイトのURLを入力することにより、サイト全体の内容を要約してくれる。要約にはELYZAが研究を進めている自然言語処理技術(NLP)を用いて要約に適したシステムを開発したという。文の構造が崩れてたり、会話文だったりしても、高い精度の要約文が生成できるとしている(ELYZAリリース…
NVIDIA’s latest tech makes AI voices more expressive and realistic
The voices on Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant and others still lack the rhythms and intonation that make speech human. NVIDIA has unveiled new tools that can capture those natural speech qualities.
Peak raises $75M for a platform that helps non-tech companies build AI applications
As artificial intelligence continues to weave its way into more enterprise applications, a startup that has built a platform to help businesses, especially non-tech organizations, build more customized AI decision making tools for themselves has picked up some significant growth funding. Peak AI, a startup out of Manchester, England, that has built a “decision intelligence” […]
What Happens When AI Writes a Play About AI
“GPT-3, generate a list of ideas for a play”.
TechRadar describes what resulted — an experimental production called AI performed last week the Young Vic theatre in London last week.
TechRadar Pro attended on the second evening, during which d…
学習して進化するAIに“忘れさせる”ことは可能なのか? 研究者たちの取り組みと課題