

Should Mark Zuckerberg be scared of Peter Thiel?

Unless you’ve been in a cave over the last week, you’ve likely read a review or some discussion about The Contrarian, a new book about billionaire investor Peter Thiel by longtime Bloomberg Businessweek features editor and tech reporter Max Chafkin. It isn’t surprising. Thiel has become an increasingly powerful figure in the U.S., and Chafkin […]

新コモンズ入門:人類の共有地をめぐるビブリオトーク ゲスト:渡邉康太郎(Takram/コンテクストデザイナー)[音声配信]

人類はいかにして豊かな共有地を共に編み上げていけるだろうか? 雑誌『WIRED』日本版の最新号発売日に開催されたエディターズラウンジでは、コンテクストデザイナーの渡邉康太郎(Takram)をゲストに迎え、雑誌の特集テーマ「NEW COMMONS コモンズと合意形成の未来」をさらに深く豊かに読み解くための推薦図書を挙げながら恒例のビブリオトークが繰り広げられた。恰好の「新コモンズ入門」となったその模様を音声記事でお届けしよう。

Should we care about the lives of our kids’ kids’ kids’ kids’…

We live during a time of live, real-time culture. Telecasts, spontaneous tweetstorms, on-the-scene streams, rapid-response analysis, war rooms, Clubhouses, vlogging. We have to interact with the here and now, feel that frisson of action. It’s a compulsion: we’re enraptured by the dangers that are terrorizing whole segments of the planet. Just this past month, we […]



Air conditioning is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century. It’s also killing the 21st

When did indoor air become cold and clean? Air conditioning is one of those inventions that have become so ubiquitous, that many in the developed world don’t even realize that less than a century ago, it didn’t exist. Indeed, it wasn’t so long ago that the air inside our buildings and the air outside of […]

How national security is being redefined by climate change

One of the most unfortunate fault lines in climate change politics today is the lack of cooperation between environmentalists and the national security community. Left-wing climate activists don’t exactly hang out with more right-leaning military strategists, the former often seeing the latter as destructive anti-ecological marauders, while the latter often assume the former are unrealistic […]

Is the best way to solve climate change to “do nothing?”

When it comes to climate change, it might seem that a book entitled “How to Do Nothing” would not only be irrelevant, but also downright obscene and even dangerous. Not to mention that after more than a year of pandemic living, many people are understandably fatigued at the prospect of continuing to keep their lives […]