It has become a term for a general gaffe, but the true joy is in its original formSigmund Freud has his fans and his detractors. My take? A lot of his work was pioneering and has relevance to this day; a lot of it was nonsense.One of Freud’s greatest l…
‘No one wanted to read’ his book on pandemic psychology – then Covid hit
Australian psychologist Steven Taylor published what would turn out to be a prophetic book, and it has become like a Lonely Planet guide to the pandemicIn October 2019, a month or so before Covid-19 began to spread from the industrial Chinese city of W…
How to take the lead in dog walking – and earn unconditional love in return
Enhance your pooch’s wellbeing and your own by making daily walks an interactive, quality experiencePepper meets Mr Binks for the first time and bottom-sniffs the diminutive pooch by way of greeting. As ever, I look away. But Mr Binks’s owner, dog beha…
‘The soundtrack to my life was burping and farting’: how disgusting is your partner?
Living and working in the same space has given many couples an unwanted insight into each other’s dirtiest habits. But should we really find them so gross?“Over lockdown, the soundtrack to my life was email notifications pinging – and people burping an…
Rat Tickling
Scientist Tickle Rats for Science (SLNYT). “It’s generally not a good time to be a rodent in Australia. On farms across the country, mice are being poisoned and chased out of fields by desperate farmers as the country suffers one of the worst mouse pla…
Yes, the climate crisis is terrifying. But I refuse to abandon hope | Arwa Mahdawi
The world seems to be on the verge of collapse – yet I have just brought a baby into it“Babe, look!” my wife said excitedly, as we sprawled on the grass reading on one baking hot afternoon. She passed me her book: “Read this – this person is just like …
Online therapy is not perfect, but has its benefits | Letter
Dr Chantal Meystre says video appointments enable clients to access a scarce resource on their own terms, and should be here to stay after CovidPsychotherapy over Zoom may not be a panacea, but it has been a boon during Covid-19 lockdowns (Therapy via …
How my farmer friend Wilf gave me a new perspective
An unexpected friendship was a breath of fresh air after my turbulent city lifeMuch is said about walking the road less travelled. There’s joy in the unexpected and the unravelling of, well, who knows what. Just over a year ago, I left my London life f…
Good old days: why body confidence improves after 60
A New Zealand study claims men and women become more satisfied with their bodies over time – bucking the expectations of our youth-obsessed cultureName: Happy retirees.Age: Well, as you know, people retire at different ages, typically from about 60 onw…
アプリで人の性格は変わるのか? 3カ月にわたる調査の結果
アプリを毎日使うことで、性格を変えることはできるのか──。 1,500人以上を対象に3カ月にわたって実施された研究の結果がこのほど発表された。研究結果によると、どうやらアプリで性格を“変える”ことは可能なようだが、いくつかの制約もある。