

Chinese crackdown on tech giants threatens its cloud market growth

As Chinese tech companies come under regulatory scrutiny at home, concerns and pressures are escalating among investors and domestic tech companies including China’s four big cloud companies, BATH (Baidu AI, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and Huawei Cloud), according to an analyst report. Despite a series of antitrust and internet-related regulation crackdowns, the four leading cloud […]


「Google X」の共同創設者として知られるパナソニック常務執行役員の松岡陽子が、働く母親たちの家事を支援する定額制サーヴィスの提供を新会社で開始した。人間のアシスタントがAIを駆使しながら日常のタスクをこなしてくれるこのサーヴィス。将来的にはセンサーなどのハードウェアとデータ分析により、さまざまな事態を高精度に予測して対処できるようになるという。それは家事のオートメーションにおける「第2の革命」につながるのではないか──。『WIRED』US版エデ…

DataRobot CEO Dan Wright coming to TC Sessions: SaaS to discuss role of data in machine learning

Just about every company is sitting on vast amounts of data, which they can use to their advantage if they can just learn how to harness it. Data is actually the fuel for machine learning models, and with the proper tools, businesses can learn to process this data and build models to help them compete […]

UK dials up the spin on data reform, claiming ‘simplified’ rules will drive ‘responsible’ data sharing

The U.K. government has announced a consultation on plans to shake up the national data protection regime, as it looks at how to diverge from European Union rules following Brexit. It’s also a year since the U.K. published a national data strategy in which said it wanted pandemic levels of data sharing to become Britain’s […]