Investible, the Sydney-based early-stage venture firm known for investments in Canva and other top Australian startups, announced today it is raising a $100 million AUD (about $72.3 million USD) Climate Tech Fund. This is the first time Investible has launched a sector-focused fund. It’s first two funds, including a $50 million AUD one closed earlier […]
Google Maps tracks global warming with new “Fire” layer, Tree Canopy tool
“Fire” will be a top-level layer just like traffic, satellite, and transit maps.
Ex-Fox host claims Facebook defamed him by fact-checking climate change videos
Former Fox Business host says his ad revenue has taken a hit.
The trillions in our pension pots could be key to tackling the climate crisis | Richard Curtis
Ahead of Cop26, the UK could take the lead in diverting investments away from carbon emittersRichard Curtis is a filmmaker and activistSomeone said something so simple yet so shocking to me recently: that weather used to be the last thing on the news, …
Greta Thunberg: ‘I really see the value of friendship. Apart from the climate, almost nothing else matters’
The world’s most famous teen activist opens up about how she’s been transformed since she started her school climate strike in 2018 Continue reading…
The climate crisis has made the idea of a better future impossible to imagine | Ian Jack
Despite all the analogies for this possibly terminal emergency, it is unlike anything that has come beforeWriting in 2003, the American environmentalist Bill McKibben observed that although “some small percentage” of scientists, diplomats and activists…
2021年6月にフロリダで13階建てのコンドミニアムが倒壊し、98人が亡くなる大惨事が起きた。この建物では以前から大規模な損傷の存在と修繕工事の必要性が指摘されていたが、膨大なコストが理由で先延ばしにされていた。どこかで聞いた話ではないか? そう、急速に温暖化が進む地球の話だ──。『WIRED』US版エディター・アット・ラージ(編集主幹)のスティーヴン・レヴィによる考察。
Forced from home: the humans and animals under threat – in pictures
Nick Brandt visited five animal sanctuaries in Africa to portray the people displaced by droughts and the creatures whose very existence is under threat Continue reading…
China to stop building coal plants in developing nations
President Xi Jinping announces a necessary step to controlling global emissions.
Global wildfire carbon dioxide emissions at record high, data shows
Figures from EU monitoring service for August are highest since it began measurements in 2003August was another record month for global wildfire emissions, according to new satellite data that highlights how tinderbox conditions are widening across the…