PS5 Owners Don’t Play Sony’s First-Party Games

It’s hard to believe, but a year ago to the date, Sony officially released the PlayStation 5 (well, in the States; globally it came out on November 19). Despite serious supply issues, an estimated 13 million players have been able to get their hands on…

Go Team Chaos!

It’s the last scheduled day of the regular season in Major League Baseball and every game will be played starting simultaneously at 3 pm Eastern. The AL Wild Card and the NL West are still up for grabs and a bewildering array of two, three, and even fo…

Facebook enters the fantasy gaming market

Facebook is getting into fantasy sports and other types of fantasy games. The company this morning announced the launch of Facebook Fantasy Games in the U.S. and Canada on the Facebook app for iOS and Android. Some games are described as “simpler” versions of the traditional fantasy sports games already on the market, while others […]


アイオワ州で初めてとなるメジャーリーグ公式戦が8月12日、1989年の映画『フィールド・オブ・ドリームス』のロケ地に作られた特設球場で行われた。 ニューヨーク・ヤンキースとシカゴ・ホワイトソックスの選手は復刻デザインのユニフォームを着て、映画のワンシーンさながらにトウモロコシ畑の中から入場。 試合はホワイトソックスが9対8で勝利した。 ===== ケビン・コスナーが両チームを先導! オープニングイベントの様子 MLB-YouTube…