New Grimes Song Declares Elon Musk As ‘Greatest Gamer’ But Crappy Boyfriend

Grimes released a new song off her upcoming album Book 1. The track is titled “Player of Games” and appears to be a not-so-subtle song about the musician’s four-year relationship and recent break up with 50-year-old Tesla CEO and internet troll Elon Mu…

再使用ロケットの経済性|ina111 / 稲川貴大|note

最近、世界中で再使用ロケット開発の機運が高まっている。再使用ロケット、つまり打ち上げた後に着陸・回収して繰り返し使うロケットのことだ。 これはSDGsの文脈が強くなってきたことに加え、SpaceXやBlue Originのロケットの派手な演出のためだろう。SpaceXのロケットの着陸する姿は多くの人を興奮させた。 ちなみに、…

Max Q: Elon Musk talks Starship, envisions first orbital launch in January 2022

Hello and welcome back to Max Q, your very favorite space news digest. A ton happened this week — launches, financing deals, contract awards, etc., etc. — so let’s dive in. Send thoughts, tips, feedback to Don’t forget to sign up to get the free newsletter version of Max Q delivered to your inbox. […]

SpaceX aims to conduct first orbital flight of Starship in January, Musk says

SpaceX has been advancing the development of Starship, the largest ultra-super-heavy reusable launch system ever designed in history, at a jaw-dropping pace — and CEO Elon Musk is “comfortable” it will reach orbit sometime next year. Musk made the comments — which often veered into the philosophical — at the National Academies’ first virtual joint […]