ピクサーの共同設立者であり現在のコンピューターアニメーションの発明の立役者のひとりでもあるアルヴィ・レイ・スミスは、2021年に刊行した著作『A Biography of the Pixel』(ピクセルの歴史)』[未邦訳]において、アナログとデジタルの現実の間に違いはないという確信に満ちた主張を展開している。ジョージ・ルーカスにもスティーブ・ジョブズにもその信念を理解されず、ピクサーの礎を築きながらも歴史に忘れ去られた天才の半生を追ったスティーヴン・…
20 years of the iPod: how it shuffled music and tech forever
In October 2001, the music industry was riven by piracy and had no idea how to solve it. Enter Steve Jobs, whose new device created a digital music market – and made Apple into a titanIn 2001, the record business was in freefall due to digital piracy, …
Old Steve Jobs email finally confirms Apple was working on an “iPhone nano”
The name appeared in an email about planning Apple’s 2011 product strategy.
Walter Isaacson is working on a biography of Elon Musk
Walter Isaacson, the biographer who chronicled the lives of Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin and Leonardo da Vinci, is turning his attention to the life and career of Elon Musk. The Tesla CEO announced the project in a tweet Wednesday. If you’re curious about Tesla, SpaceX & my general goings on, @WalterIsaacson is writing a biography […]