How Imaginary Numbers Were Invented – “A general solution to the cubic equation was long considered impossible, until we gave up the requirement that math reflect reality.”[1] also btw…
Galois Groups and the Symmetries of Polynomials – “No one knows …
cosmic inflation
We now know the big bang theory is (probably) not how the universe began – “The Big Bang still happened a very long time ago, but it wasn’t the beginning we once supposed it to be.” Extrapolating back to as far as your evidence can take you is a tremen…
SFnal Coordination Mechanism Design, Path Dependence and Roads Not Taken
Glass: the most underrated medieval technology? (threadreader) – “Venice sought desperately to keep its monopoly. If a glassmaker left without permission, he would be asked to return. If he refused, his family would be imprisoned, and if he still persi…
Arachnophobia can eclipse our ability to feel compassion
Why so many of us are casual spider-murderers – “The moment we sense the pitter-patter of their tiny feet across the living room floor, or catch a glimpse of movement in the corner of an eye as they abseil down from the ceiling, they’re likely to end u…
you can call me queen bee
More Than Honey – “In 2013 Markus Imhoof used mini-helicopters and high-speed cameras to capture an extraordinary video of the inflight mating of a queen bee. The ejaculation of a drone bee is so powerful that his endophallus ruptures and he quickly di…
“Our overall goal is to follow the lead of Oregon”
Seattle Votes to Decriminalize Psilocybin and Similar Substances [ungated] – “Seattle’s city council voted unanimously to relax its rules against naturally occurring drugs, joining a handful of other cities that have decriminalized psilocybin and simil…
Tax Loopholes and Revolving Doors (Occupy K Street)
How Accounting Giants Craft Favorable Tax Rules From Inside Government [ungated] – “Lawyers from top accounting firms do brief stints in the Treasury Department, with the expectation of big raises when they return.” also btw…
This Is How America’s Ri…
Stop the (for real) steal
@ThePlumLineGS: Reforming the Electoral Count Act as a key safeguard against a future stolen election [ungated] – “Democrats should push for ECA reform, and I expect they will. But nothing will pass as long as the filibuster remains.” (via; previously)…
A Mathematician’s Guided Tour Through Higher Dimensions
The Journey to Define Dimension – “The concept of dimension seems simple enough, but mathematicians struggled for centuries to precisely define and understand it.” also btw…
The four-dimensional life of mathematician Charles Howard Hinton – “From big…
We need to talk about ‘moderate’ Democrats
Why Are Moderates Trying to Blow Up Biden’s Centrist Economic Plan? [ungated] – “In attacking the Build Back Better Act, they are working against their own purported aims.” “This is why America as an experiment — the building of a society that is both…