Carmichael Roberts, Sean O’Sullivan will share insights into climate tech and investing at Disrupt

The effects of a warming planet, from frequent and extreme flooding to hurricanes and drought, has prompted activists and governments to take action. It’s also spurred a growing number of entrepreneurs to launch technology startups focused on the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. At the center of this activity are the venture capitalists deciding which […]

Ed Miliband: honour promises on jabs to poor countries to save Cop26 deal

Labour’s shadow business secretary says the government must ‘rebuild trust’ after a series of missteps on way to climate summitBoris Johnson should set out plans to provide Covid-19 vaccinations to all developing countries to achieve a global climate d…


海底面積の0.2%未満を領するサンゴは、海洋生物全体の約25%の生存を支える縁の下の力持ちだ。そんな海の名バイプレイヤーがいま、温暖化や汚染により死の危機に瀕している。こうした状況を覆すべく、海底に人工の「木」を植えてサンゴを養殖するという、地球を地球たらしめる海の再生プロジェクトに迫った。(雑誌『 WIRED』日本版VOL.42より転載)