Christian Dior’s younger sister is a largely ghostly presence in this nonetheless enjoyable book about the courageous Nazi-fighting florist Postwar Europe is eternally fascinating: the sheer disjunction between past and present. “I will not disguise th…
Roland Mouret and Rejina Pyo defy convention at London fashion week
With diving models and female-directed Greek odysseys, this years event felt anything but ordinaryLondon fashion week is back, but not back to normal.Roland Mouret, whose regular pre-pandemic fashion week turn was a catwalk show at the National Theatre…
The weekend’s best photos: London fashion, KyivPride and a skinny dip
The Guardian’s picture editors select photo highlights from around the world Continue reading…
Ding dong, Avon now calling with ‘omni-channel’ cosmetic sales in a digital age
Spurred on by the Covid pandemic, the traditional doorstep retailer is training its ‘reps’ in new techniquesCoronavirus – latest updatesSee all our coronavirus coverageAvon may soon be calling you into shops and live-streamed shopping events as well as…
Queen of quilts: 10 of the best padded jackets – in pictures
Quilted coats are the streamlined cousin of last winter’s duvet coat. If you find a puffer too bulky, then this is the lightweight solution Continue reading…
We Love: Fashion fixes for the week ahead – in pictures
Designer conversations, slow fashion and Harris Reed’s debut jewellery collection. Continue reading…
Tell us: how are you dressing up to go out now lockdown has lifted?
We would like to hear about the outfits you’re wearing to go out following the lifting of UK coronavirus restrictionsNow that lockdown has lifted in the UK, many of us are beginning to get dressed up to go out again – often for the first time in around…
新たなる人工的自然を前提とした「ファッションの未来」に向かって:新連載『Speculative Fashion For The Post-Anthropocene』序章
『WIRED』日本版の「CREATIVE HACK AWARD」の受賞者でスペキュラティヴ・ファッションデザイナーの川崎和也が、「ファッション」という視座から人新世のその先を見通す新連載『Speculative Fashion For The Post-Anthropocene』がスタート! その序章では、人間中心主義的なファッションシステムの歴史と、その諸問題を解決に導くオルタナティヴなシステムにまつわる思索を繰り広げる。
Lil Nas X Gala Look Behind The Scenes
Behind Lil Nas X’s Royal Met Gala Looks [6m27s YouTube video from Vogue] I thought it was fun to watch him have fun with very expensive clothing. Also, great looks!
Crocs to change clogs’ ingredients to be bio-based by 2022
Brand that became fashion success story during lockdown aims to be carbon neutral by 2030Crocs – the previously loathed shoe company that became a fashion success story during the pandemic – are radically changing the clogs’ ingredients and will be ent…