What’s hot and what’s not in fashion this weekA Jetsons staycation You can now sleep in a spaceship, thanks to Matti Suuronen’s pod being beamed down to Somerset.An out-out ready wardrobe Boiler Room’s new track pants are “designed with raving in mind”…
Worth it for the fashion alone
An oral history of Adam Sandler, pickup basketball legend. On a crisp Saturday morning at Reed Park in Santa Monica, Chris Collins was readying himself to play a couple games of pickup basketball when he heard an oddly familiar voice. “Yo, we need one…
“Props to anyone who tries to be fashionable in ireland”
This is a thread of twitter responses with many examples of how Irish people will deliver devastating one liners to people trying to be stylish.
In Ghana, they call them “obroni wawu” — dead white man’s clothes.
Dead white man’s clothes: How fast fashion is turning parts of Ghana into toxic landfill (ABC News) – For decades, the West’s unwanted fashion has made its way to used-clothing markets in Africa. Now it’s fuelling an environmental catastrophe. It’s the…
Up your game: 10 sporty pieces to kick off the perfect look – in pictures
To celebrate a superb sporting summer, sports-inspired threads are the order of the day. Look for timeless country club classics updated with a modern twist Continue reading…
Pretty tops: 16 of the best – in pictures
Prints, stripes and ruffles to get you in the summer mood Continue reading…
ローカルに出現した「衣」と「身」の変容:現代美術のアルケオロジー 第5回 「ファッション イン ジャパン 1945-2020―流行と社会」
先鋭的な表現手法で世界に批評的な視点をもたらす「現代美術」。その表現の深層には、必ずや人類学的、民俗学的な文脈が流れている。気鋭の民俗学者・畑中章宏が現代美術を読み解く不定期連載第5回は、国立新美術館で開催されている「ファッション イン ジャパン 1945-2020―流行と社会」。日本人が身に着けてきたものの流行風俗や社会との関係を膨大な資料とともに詳解する展覧会とその周辺から、「衣」と「身」の変容を「考古学的」に探索する。
The best long-lasting lipstick | Sali Hughes
Budge-proof colour with outstanding staying power – I have truly never known the likeAs much as I miss lipstick (and a hundred other things I will never again take for granted), I plan to keep my lower face covered until we’re further out of the woods….
Why the new era of British fashion is all about the factory
As consumers’ environmental awareness grows, designers are beginning to share the spotlight with those who make the clothesOn the factory floor at Pittards in Yeovil, Marta, Gabbie and Gabriella are working together on a new product. They fasten streng…
‘Being too aspirational is repellent now’ – the rise of the ‘genuinfluencers’
The showboating era of the Kardashians is over as generation Z demands authenticity and information insteadThe influencer is dead. Long live the Genuinfluencers.“Genuinfluencers” was coined by the trend forecasters WGSN (formerly Worth Global Style Net…