A ‘safe space for racists’: antisemitism report criticises social media giants

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and TikTok failing to act on most reported anti-Jewish posts, says studyThere has been a serious and systemic failure to tackle antisemitism across the five biggest social media platforms, resulting in a “safe spac…

Zuckerberg is turning trillion-dollar Facebook into a ‘metaverse’ company, he tells investors

Following the quarterly release of Facebook’s earnings numbers where the company’s CFO takes time to walk analysts through the nitty gritty of the company’s financials, CEO Mark Zuckerberg took a moment to zoom out and wax on the company’s future goals, specifically calling out his ambitions to turn Facebook into “a metaverse company.” “I wanted […]

Facebook warns of ‘headwinds’ to its ad business from regulators and Apple

Facebook posted its second quarter earnings Wednesday, beating expectations with $29 billion in revenue. The world’s biggest social media company was expected to report $27.8 billion in revenue for the quarter, a 50% increase from the same period in 2020. Facebook reported earnings per share of $3.61, which also bested expectations. The company’s revenue was […]

Instagram now supports 60-second videos on Reels, its TikTok clone

Haven’t you heard that Instagram is no longer a photo-sharing app? Today, Instagram announced that users can now upload 60-second videos on Reels, the platform’s TikTok competitor. This update also adds functionality for a captions sticker on Reels, which transcribes audio to text. Instagram previously teased this sticker for Reels when they added it to […]

TikTokと“ヴァイブス”の復活: #vibes はソーシャルメディアの新たな言語となる

「#vibes」のハッシュタグがつけられたTikTokの映像が広まるのは、わたしたちがソーシャルメディアに求めるものが、もはや物語やパーソナリティではなく、視覚と聴覚に訴えかける瞬間に変わりつつあるからだ。言語化されない経験やフィーリングを表すヴァイブスは、ソーシャルメディアの時代に復活し、絶え間なく拡散され、消費されていく。それは「ヴァイヴ資本主義」の到来だろうか? あるいは新たな“標準語”となるのだろうか?

Spotify adds an attention-grabbing ‘What’s New’ feed to addict users to its app

Spotify is taking a cue from social networks like Facebook which deliver a constant stream of notifications under a “bell” icon in the mobile app, with the goal of keeping users engaged with the latest content. This morning, Spotify introduced what it’s calling the “What’s New” feed, which will deliver an ongoing series of updates […]


決して存在することのないリヴィングルームやパティオ、ベッドルーム、邸宅。非現実的な色調ながら記憶を喚起するシルエットと美しく整ったインテリアはなぜかわたしたちの心を癒やしてくれる。そんなCGI建築がいま、Instagramにあふれている。それは現実から逃避しようとする「レンダリング・ポルノ」のシュールな幻想なのか、あるいは物理的な制約から建築とデザインを解放する新たな試みなのだろうか? いまやNFTマーケットとメタヴァースへと向かうCGI建築の未来。…

Snap had its best quarter in four years

If you’ve started using Snapchat more regularly this year, you’re not alone. At yesterday’s Q2 earnings call, Snap CEO Evan Spiegel announced that the platform grew both revenue and daily active users at the highest rates it has achieved in the last four years. Snapchat now has 293 million daily active users, growing 23% since […]


エステや脱毛サロンに足を運ばずに、自宅で手軽にムダ毛処理ができる「家庭用脱毛器」。気になる毛の悩みをおうちでもケアできるモデルが、パナソニックやヤーマンといったメーカーから多数発売されています。 今回 […]
The post 【2021年版】家庭用脱毛器のおすすめランキング24選。自宅で簡単・手軽にムダ毛ケア first appeared on SAKIDORI(サキドリ) | ほしいが見つかるモノメディア….