Infinite Canvas raises $2.8M for a metaverse creator group modeled after esports teams

With the promise of an interconnected virtual world coming into focus and user-crafted gaming content exploding, Infinite Canvas is looking to apply lessons learned in the esports boom to the metaverse. “Metaverse” is the hot buzzword right now, but it’s not an empty term. Ten different people would probably define the metaverse in ten different […]

Roblox acquires Discord competitor Guilded

Roblox is using M&A to bulk up its social infrastructure, announcing Monday morning that they had acquired the team at Guilded that has been building a chat platform for competitive gamers. The service competes with gaming chat giant Discord, with the team’s founders telling TechCrunch in the past that as Discord’s ambitions had grown beyond […]

Fortnite’s Ariana Grande concert offers a taste of music in the metaverse

Ariana Grande strutted and soared around a candy-colored series of Fortnite sets in Epic’s latest major in-game live music event. The multi-day “tour” offered gamers and Grande fans alike plenty to enjoy while showcasing Epic’s impressively smooth and visually inventive vision for live events that millions of people can enjoy simultaneously. Fortnite players have known […]



Fortnite’s mystery ‘superstar’ virtual music tour kicks off next week

Epic Games is teasing the biggest in-game event since Travis Scott psychedelically stomped through Fortnite’s virtual meadows. The mysterious new event, which Fortnite-maker Epic is calling the “Rift Tour,” will kick off on Friday, August 6 and run through Sunday, August 8. In the teaser announcement, Epic invites players to “take a musical journey into […]

Zuckerberg is turning trillion-dollar Facebook into a ‘metaverse’ company, he tells investors

Following the quarterly release of Facebook’s earnings numbers where the company’s CFO takes time to walk analysts through the nitty gritty of the company’s financials, CEO Mark Zuckerberg took a moment to zoom out and wax on the company’s future goals, specifically calling out his ambitions to turn Facebook into “a metaverse company.” “I wanted […]


決して存在することのないリヴィングルームやパティオ、ベッドルーム、邸宅。非現実的な色調ながら記憶を喚起するシルエットと美しく整ったインテリアはなぜかわたしたちの心を癒やしてくれる。そんなCGI建築がいま、Instagramにあふれている。それは現実から逃避しようとする「レンダリング・ポルノ」のシュールな幻想なのか、あるいは物理的な制約から建築とデザインを解放する新たな試みなのだろうか? いまやNFTマーケットとメタヴァースへと向かうCGI建築の未来。…

「ポケモン GO」の誕生から5年、見えてきた「リアルワールド・メタヴァース」の姿

ARゲーム「ポケモン GO」のリリースから、2021年7月で5年が経った。世界的な熱狂を経て人気が落ち着いたポケモン GOだが、開発元のナイアンティックはその先に何を思い描いているのか──。『WIRED』US版エディター・アット・ラージ(編集主幹)のスティーヴン・レヴィが、ナイアンティックCEOのジョン・ハンケが目指す「リアルワールド・メタヴァース」について彼への取材に基づいて考察する。