From Instagram’s Reels to Snapchat’s Spotlight, most social media platforms are looking toward the TikTok boom for inspiration. Now, even Reddit, a discussion-based forum, is making short-form video more pronounced on its iOS app. According to Reddit, most iOS users should have a button on their app directly to the right of the search bar […]
TikTok acts on teen safety with ‘bedtime’ block on app alerts
Social networking firm introduces range of child safety measures including increased privacy controls TikTok will prevent teenagers from receiving notifications past their bedtime, the company said, announcing a range of child safety improvements that …
TikTok to add more privacy protections for teenaged users, limit push notifications
TikTok today becomes the latest tech company to roll out increased protections for minors on its platform in the wake of increased regulatory scrutiny. The company says it will introduce a series of product changes for teen users aged 13 to 17, aimed at making their TikTok experience more private, safer and less addictive. TikTok’s […]
Link-in-bio monetization platform Snipfeed raises a $5.5M seed round
The link-in-bio business is heating up as more mobile website builders compete for a coveted slice of real estate on a creator’s TikTok, Instagram or Twitter. Linktree leads the space, securing a recent $45 million Series B raise to build out e-commerce features, but Beacons boasts competitive creator monetization tools with just a $6 million […]
This Week in Apps: In-app events hit the App Store, TikTok tries Stories, Apple reveals new child safety plan
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the weekly TechCrunch series that recaps the latest in mobile OS news, mobile applications and the overall app economy. The app industry continues to grow, with a record 218 billion downloads and $143 billion in global consumer spend in 2020. Consumers last year also spent 3.5 trillion minutes using apps on Android devices alone. […]
Sunshine and Ravioli (MACARONI)
The Dogs at Daycare and their ✨Problems✨ — Part 2 — when it rains, it pours :emoji: ️ Meanwhile…
More daycare dog problems -:emoji:- and more — so many problems
Deer problems :emoji:
Hospital cat problems
Husky problems
Shelter pr…
<目と鼻の先を巨大なクマが歩き回るも、落ち着いた声で話し掛け続けたTikTok動画が話題に> 米アラスカ州を旅行中のグループが、森の中で巨大なハイイログマに至近距離で遭遇した動画が、大きな注目を集めている。 すぐ目の前をハイイログマが歩いているという恐ろしい状況だったが、グループは国立公園局の定めるガイドラインに従って完璧な対応をしたようだ。 問題の動画は、8月3日に@mrsb111が動画投稿アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」に投稿。動画はすぐにバズり、再生回数は驚きの1060万回(本記事の執…
TikTok confirms pilot test of TikTok Stories is now underway
Twitter may have shut down its Stories features known as Fleets, but the Stories format will continue to invade other social platforms. TikTok today confirmed it’s piloting a new feature, TikTok Stories, which will allow it to explore additional ways for its community to bring their creative ideas to life. The company notes the new […]
<TikTokで根強い人気を誇る「裏話系」コンテンツだが、従業員(と元従業員)からの暴露投稿は企業の悪夢と紙一重> 有名企業の従業員や元従業員が店の舞台裏や買い物のコツを紹介する動画は、動画投稿アプリTikTok(ティックトック)で人気が高い。ただし、有名になるためであれ、勤務先への復讐であれ、「バズる」従業員は企業にとって悪夢になりかねない。動画でイタい秘密を「暴露」された企業を紹介すると……。 ■ホリスター ファッションブランドのホリスターで働いていた@annaxjamesが自分の経験を…