人気のFPSゲーム「Destiny 2」に、前作で“最強”の武器とされていたロケットランチャー「ギャラルホルン」が復活した。なぜ、このタイミングでの復活を遂げたのか。おもちゃの銃で知られる「ナーフ」とのコラボ製品は、いかに生まれたのか──。開発メンバーたちが語った。
「ゲーム」は定義できないものになっていく:「THE WORLD IN 2022」 THE DEFINITION OF VIDEO GAME
Play These Classic Games Created In Communist Czechoslovakia
A project by the Slovak Game Developers Association has seen a collection of Communist-era early video games receive their first English translation, and a digital release, offering a unique insight to early ‘80s Eastern Europe.Read more…
ゲームを“買わない”ゲーマーが増える:「THE WORLD IN 2022」 GAMING SUBSCRIPTION
Video Game Gear: Eight Things We Got In 2021 That We Now Can’t Live Without
We’re closing out the year with a little bit of advice, some utility, and maybe even some mirth. In this line of work, we try out a ton of products, some of which you read about on this very site. Not all of them, though. Sometimes, the things that mak…
What’s Worth Picking Up From Nintendo’s End-Of-Year Hidden Gems Switch Sale
As the death bell tolls for 2021, Nintendo and a suite of independent publishers have chosen to give us some final indie game sales before sending this garbage year off into that sweet night. All things considered, it’s a pretty excellent send-off, com…
You Died of Dysentery: 50 Years of Traveling The Oregon Trail
In 1991, I pulled a chair up to an Apple II in my first-grade class and inserted a floppy disk with a faded, fraying label: The Oregon Trail.Read more…
「プレイステーション 5」と「Xbox Series X」、発売から1年後に改めて比べて見えてきた“違い”
次世代ゲーム機として鳴り物入りで発売された「プレイステーション 5(PS5)」と「Xbox Series X」。すでに発売から約1年が経ったにもかかわらず、いまだに品薄で入手困難な状況が続いている。こうしたなかふたつのプラットフォームを改めて比べてみると、いったいどんなことが見えてくるのか。
Company Of Heroes: The Kotaku Review
I’ve reviewed a lot of video game adaptations as part of my board game coverage for Kotaku. As you’d expect, since this is first and foremost a video game website. Some of those adaptations have been OK, some have been pretty good, but I haven’t played…