Next.js でリアーキテクトした話 / story-of-re-architect-with-nextjs

Transcript Next.js でリアーキテクトした話 JSConf JP 2021 @Takepepe 吉井 健文 / Takepepe 株式会社リクルート 横断エンジニアリング部 APソリューショングループ フロントエンドエンジニア・アーキテクト リクルートでの働き方 横断組織の一員として、 社内事業ソフトウェア開発・技術支援をしています。 主に、得意…


リンク GIGAZINE あのお菓子の「アポロ」を分解するための工具が開発される 製菓メーカーの明治が1969年から製造販売している「アポロ」は、ミルクチョコレートとイチゴ味チョコレートの2層構造で、発売当時に人類初の月面着陸に成功したアポロ11号の司令船をモチーフとした円すい形の側面にギザギザがついているのが特…

Paris is taking space back from cars. Here’s how.

The Liberation of Paris From Cars Is Working – “The French capital is quickly cutting automobiles out of daily life. David Belliard is the deputy mayor behind it.”[1,2] (previously) Over the past six years, Paris has done more than almost any city in t…

It measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile

Enough with the GDP — it’s time to measure genuine progress – “Unlike GDP, the Genuine Progress Indicator is designed to measure economic performance from the perspective of ordinary American households, not corporations or Wall Street investors.”[1,2]…

The Innovation of Modular Housing: How Buildings Learn Pattern Languages

Apartments Built on an Assembly Line [ungated] – “The pandemic put a general crimp in housing construction, but made a California factory that churns out prefabricated housing extra busy.”[1,2] Mr. Holliday, who co-founded the factory with Larry Pace, …

Amu Darya, Brahmaputra, Ganga, Indus, Irrawaddy, Mekong, Yangtze

The Third Pole is a multilingual site focused on the Himalayan Mountains, the rivers that originate there and the stories of the peoples who live in its watersheds. Stories on unravelling air pollution in Asia. Songs about loss, longing and rivers in …

Constructed Worlds, Group Beliefs and Narrative Consciousness

Three Simple Policy Heuristics – “The most important thing to understand is this: Harm ripples, kindness ripples. People you hurt go on to hurt other people. People who are treated with kindness become better people, or more prosperous people, and go o…