Many governments that are not major tech hubs (i.e., most countries excluding the U.S., China, Israel and India) should stop restricting themselves to supporting locally domiciled VC funds.
Regulating crypto is essential to ensuring its global legitimacy
We must eventually find a halfway point between those with valid concerns about the anonymity crypto assets provide and those who see regulation as prohibitively restrictive on crypto.
いまこそ「未来というコモンズ」の再生に取りかかるとき:「WIRED CONFERENCE 2021」開催に寄せて、編集長からみなさんへ
未来という共有地がいまや植民地化されているのなら、わたしたちがこの手にそれを取り戻し、再生することはいかにして可能だろうか──都市スケールからヒューマンスケールまで、多彩なゲストとテーマからその可能性を探るイヴェント「WIRED CONFERENCE 2021」の開催が決定した。3日間にわたる本オンラインカンファレンスに寄せて、今年の全体テーマ「FUTURE : re-generative 未来を再生せよ!」に込めた思いを綴った編集長・松島倫明からの…
Silicon Valley should fight its stigma against military work
The military is rightly described as a cross-section of the United States, and supporting those who serve is a Silicon Valley tradition, good business practice and the right thing to do.
How the law got it wrong with Apple Card
The Apple Card case is a strong example of how current anti-discrimination laws fall short of the fast pace of scientific research in the emerging field of quantifiable fairness.
東京と鎌倉の間のハイパーオブジェクト:SZ Newsletter VOL.95[ENVIRONMENT]
Embedded finance won’t make every firm into a fintech company
Starbucks offers an integrated wallet and payments within its app, and Lyft offers its drivers a debit card. But that doesn’t make them fintech companies.
Cities can have flying cars if they start working on infrastructure today
The truth is, flying cars are a reality. The aviation technology exists and early-stage regulatory review is underway in both the U.S. House and the Senate to bring eVTOLs to market.
東京オリンピックの首都美化運動とサイバーパンク:SZ Newsletter VOL.94[Sci-Fi]
Venture capital undermines human rights
VC firms’ failure to carry out adequate due diligence means that a vast majority of them are failing in their responsibility to respect human rights.