“mere ripples on the surface of the great sea of life”
The point is that longtermism might be one of the most influential ideologies that few people outside of elite universities and Silicon Valley have ever heard about. I believe this needs to change because, as a former longtermist who published an entir…
Zig-Zag-and Swirl.
Fantastically Wrong: The Inventor of the Airliner Also Invented This Hilariously Absurd ‘Science’.
Alfred Lawson and ‘Manlife’ Documentary Explores Lawsonomy & Its Last Crusader
Step up your meme game with Antimatter’s Reverse Meme Search app
Like it or not, memes are part of how we communicate now — we even reference memes in our headlines. But iterating upon existing memes can be a needlessly clunky user experience. First, you need to find a meme template, then you need to figure out how to add text, even if that means reverse-engineering […]
「未来」というコモンズ。〈死〉と〈想像力〉が導く、将来世代への責任 :磯野真穂 × 戸谷洋志
いまを生きるわたしたちと100年後、1,000年後を生きる人々は時間軸を共有しえない。しかし、科学技術文明において現代世代は未来世代を滅ぼすことができる。たとえその両者で合意形成できずとも、「未来」をコモンズとして遺していくことは可能ではないか ── 。人類学者・磯野真穂、哲学者・戸谷洋志というふたりの俊英が、この壮大なスケールの問いに向き合った(雑誌『WIRED』日本版VOL.42から転載)
What if it’s all bullshit?
What if it’s all bullshit? An academic philosopher ponders discrimination, failed COVID policies, and bullshit There is a special perversity in pursuing a vocation that hinges entirely on the premise that knowledge matters while obliged to deny what kn…
“you are asked to believe them. But I am an unreliable narrator.”
“Impairment phenomenology is different from other kinds of phenomenology in that it does not assume a subject in command of their own faculties.” Scholar Jonathan Sterne has written a forthcoming book, Diminished Faculties: A Political Phenomenology of…
Le positivisme
Massimiliano Simons (@MassSimons), a philosopher of science at the University of Ghent, is tweeting charming illustrated threads about French philosophers of science and positivists from the turn of the 19th/20th century, figures who sometimes get forg…
Food, Beauty, Mind
Abigail Thorn speaks about the philosophy of food and the impossible ideals we hold ourselves to in the most recent edition of her YouTube channel PhilosophyTube (which has just hit one million subscribers)
Can you solve it? Logical philosophers
Five existentialists walk into a barToday’s three puzzles are mini-dramas featuring well-known philosophers.1. Late Wittgenstein Continue reading…