「AI倫理」を実装するのは誰?(いかにして?):江間有沙──「THE WORLD IN 2022」 AI GOVERNANCE
「AI倫理」の原則は定まった。では、いかにしてそれを実装するのか。プロセスにおける多様性や包摂性の欠如、「AI倫理」の順守がもたらす新しい独占など、AIガヴァナンスを取り巻く課題とは──。人工知能と社会の関係について研究・活動をしている江間有沙が、本誌特集「THE WORLD IN 2021」に寄稿した(雑誌『WIRED』日本版VOL.43より転載)。
After being pushed out of Google, Timnit Gebru forms her own AI research institute: DAIR
Almost exactly one year ago, Timnit Gebru, one of the leaders of Google’s ethics in AI team and one of the foremost experts in that topic, was fired after sending an email of concern to her team. Now she has set up shop herself with a brand new research institute, DAIR, focused on the topics […]
How to implement an actionable data ethics framework
It’s never too late to create and implement a data ethics framework, but the best step a company can take is implementing this framework from the outset of the business.
“Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle”
Kindness, Acts of
neighbours swore to the donkey’s ‘virtuous’ character
Amia Srinivasan’s review of Loving Animals: On Bestiality, Zoophilia and Post-Human Love for the London Review of Books is thought-provoking. [Includes the obvious NSFW content, as well as brief descriptions of violence and cruelty to both humans and a…
MITメディアラボの研究者でロボット倫理学者のケイト・ダーリングは新著『The New Breed』において、人間と動物のかかわりの歴史から、人間とロボットとの未来を提示する。人類は何世紀にもわたって動物を家畜や軍事目的で使役してきた。それなのになぜいま、“新たな種”であるロボットを人間と比べることにこだわるのだろうか? マルチスピーシーズと共存する未来を拡張するダーリングの提言。
Are clothing and textiles marketed as “vegan” really sustainable?
“I often hear well-meaning people conflate “vegan” with terms like “ethical,” “sustainable,” or “eco-friendly,” as if they can all be used interchangeably. The unnecessary death of animals is of course a bad thing, but as we can see in the case of the …
Making Photography in a Surveillance State
Last summer’s uprisings were likely the most photographed in history , with not only mainstream press in attendance, but near-every attendee equipped with their own networked camera, live-streaming and hashtagging the protests, creating layers upon lay…